it Mental or is it Dental? |
Written by Raymond Silkman, DDS |
Wednesday, March
29 2006 19:48 |
Cranial & Dental Impacts
on Total Health Dr. Raymond Silkman
has a private practice in holistic dentistry and orthodontics in West Los
Angeles, California. This article is based on his presentation at the 6th
annual conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation in 2005. The widely held model of orthodontics, which considers
developmental problems in the jaws and head to be genetic in origin, never
made sense to me. Since they are wedded to the genetic model, orthodontists
dealing with crowded teeth end up treating the condition with tooth
extraction in a majority of the cases. Even though I did not resort to
pulling teeth in my practice, and I was using appliances to widen the jaws
and getting the craniums to look as they should, I still could not come up
with the answer as to why my patients looked the way they did. I couldn’t
believe that the Creator had given them a terrible blueprint --it just did
not make sense. In four years of college education, four years of dental
school education and almost three years of post-graduate orthodontic
training, students never hear a mention of Dr. Price, so they never learn the
true reasons for these malformations. I have had the opportunity to work with
a lot of very knowledgeable doctors in various fields of allopathic and
alternative healthcare who still do not know about Dr. Price and his critical
findings. These knowledgeable doctors have not stared in
awe at the beautiful facial development that Price captured in the
photographs he took of primitive peoples throughout the globe and in so doing
was able to answer this most important question: What do humans look like in
health? And how have humans been able to carry on throughout history and
populate such varied geographical and physical environments on the earth
without our modern machines and tools? The answer that Dr. Price was able to
illuminate came through his photographs of beautiful, healthy human beings
with magnificent physical form and mental development, living in harmony with
their environments. What Is Happening? It has been well documented and Nobel prizes
have been awarded to researchers that have established the relationship
between proper form and development and proper physical functioning of the
body. The changes in facial structure that we observe in
our children today is an extremely serious matter. I would like to
explore the consequences of what is happening to human physical form. Let’s evaluate what happens to our children or
adults who have faces that are narrow and long, who have lower jaws that are
not developed properly, or who have a profile view showing a very weak chin.
What happens when we see jaws so narrow and small that the teeth are crowded
and overlapping. What happens when the cranium is
underdeveloped in various dimensions and the eyes are not level with one
another? What is the physical health legacy of these
individuals going to be? What happens when we see children and adults with
forward head posture--necks that are holding the head in a forward position? There’s an old saying, that someone "has
his head on his shoulders." The translation: well-grounded minds require
well-grounded and well-supported physical forms and bodies. Unfortunately
today a lot of people don’t have their heads on their shoulders--their heads
are positioned in front of the shoulders. Since a normal adult cranium weights between
12 to 18 pounds, the musculo-skeletal strain in the
neck or cervical region to support a forward head posture can cause a cascade
of events leading right down to the feet. The forward head posture in most
individuals creates improper spinal alignment and lack of proper curvature to
the spine at critical areas. There is also an alarming trend in hip and
knee replacement surgeries and many individuals have improper or mostly flat
arches in the feet necessitating orthotics in their shoes or, even worse,
corrective surgeries. What happens to people when they don’t have
their heads on their shoulders? What is causing this effect and why does the
body support this apparently futile posture? We will answer that question. The Cranium or Skull Let's discuss the significance of the skeletal
structures in the head. The human cranium is made up of roughly 22 cranial
bones not including the ones responsible for sound transmission. One of the
key bony structures in the cranium is the maxilla, or the upper jaw. The
cranium also houses the extremely important glands of the endocrine system.
Two of these glands, the pituitary and the hypothalamus, are housed in
another very important bony structure known as the sphenoid bone residing
directly and in close contact with the maxilla. The entire brain, and all of the structures or
glands housed in the cranial cavity as well as the spinal cord and all of the
peripheral and accessory nerves in the entire body are covered by a
continuous-membranous sheath called the dural
membrane. In dissections, it has been demonstrated and documented that
pressure or force on the dural membrane in the
cranial cavity or at the brain level will create pulsation or an opposite
force at the end of the spinal cord, and vice versa. If the cranium is not developed properly, the dural membrane can become twisted and torqued,
thus possibly creating nerve conduction issues, hormonal imbalances or pain.
You can imagine the effects that this can have on the nervous system and on
an individual’s overall health and well being. Interestingly, medical research has
demonstrated the presence of constant and rhythmic movement of the cranial
bones at the contact areas, also known as the sutures. Just as in breathing,
when the lungs fill with air and then empty, so there is a movement of
cerebral spinal fluid up and down the spinal cord and around the brain. So,
unlike the popular belief that "it’s good to have a solid nogger," we now know that this does not mean an
immovable head or cranium. The inherent motion in the cranial bones is very
important to overall health. Various accidents or trauma or surgical
interventions of the face and head can have a negative effect on this motion. There are also various foramina or openings in
the bones of the skull which allow nerves and blood or lymphatic vessels to
pass from the cranium to the lower areas and vice versa. If any of the
cranial bones is under-developed or misshapen, as often happens to be the
case, then these foramina can also be malformed. For example, they may be
ovoid rather than circular because of underdevelopment, which may cause an
impedance to flow of circulatory or neurological vessels going through that
particular foramen. Improper drainage of our waste products through our
lymphatic system or lack of oxygenation or nourishment of cranial tissues and
organs may be experienced as negative effects on brain function and mental
clarity. The Maxilla This bony structure provides visible structure
to the whole mid-facial area. Eleven of the cranial bones directly contact
the maxilla and the rest of the cranial bones have an intimate contact with
the bones directly in contact with the upper jaw or maxilla. Therefore the
position and size of the upper jaw has quite a lot to do with proper cranial
development and facial aesthetics. The entire floor of the orbit or eye sockets,
where the visual globes or the eyeballs are housed, is made up of the upper
jaw or maxilla. When the maxilla is not well developed, and the face is long
and skinny, the eye sockets do not develop properly; the eyeballs cannot
develop as a sphere, but may take on a football shape. The resultant
developmental pattern can create various ophthalmic issues such as
astigmatism or myopia. We can treat astigmatism with corrective lenses but the
treatment does not really address the root of the issues.
Airway Obstruction The most serious consequence of under
development of the maxilla is airway obstruction and mouth breathing. Eighty
five percent of the nasal airway is made up of the maxilla, which provides
the floor of the nasal cavity and houses all of the nasal sinuses typically
referred to as the sinus cavities. Therefore, an individual with a narrow or
improperly formed maxilla will have extremely narrow nasal passages, which limit
flow of air and breathing capabilities, and will thus experience difficulty
in having proper sinus health and drainage. It is an important fact that the soft tissues
develop to their genetic size, even when the bones do not! You might think of
the head as a box that must house all of the structures that the genetic code
needs to express and that will develop, but lack of proper dimensions to the
cranial bones and the cranial cavity causes overcrowding, overlapping or
deviation of some soft tissue areas. This can be illustrated by the example
of overpacking a suitcase.
An example of this "overpacked
suitcase" in humans occurs in the nose. How often have you heard someone
say, "I have a deviated septum"? The septum is the cartilaginous
tissue membrane that separates the two nostrils vertically. Imagine this soft
tissue developing to its normal size, but the maxilla remains
under-developed. The developing septum has to express its dimension
somewhere, so it has two choices—it either deviates or bends to one side or
the other (the deviated septum) or it grows through the maxillary suture and
creates the condition known as palatal tori. These
are bumps or ridges in the middle of the palate and most people have them to
some degree or another. A deviated septum blocks proper nasal air flow
causing the individual to take up mouth breathing most of the time. There are
a variety of other soft and hard tissue conditions associated with the nasal
cavity such as polyps, enlarged turbinates and muscosal conditions that also serve to restrict air flow. Breathing through the nose creates an avenue
of air that’s moisturized, humidified and even somewhat filtered.
Furthermore, when we breathe through our nose, the air passing through the
nasal airway and contacting the turbinates--shelf-
like bony structures--is slowed down. This allows the proper mixing of the
air with an amazing gas produced in the nasal sinuses called nitric oxide
(NO). Nitric oxide is secreted into the nasal passages and is inhaled through
the nose. It is a potent vaso-dilator, and in the
lungs it enhances the uptake of oxygen. NO is also produced in the walls of
blood vessels and is critical to all organs. Mouth-Breathing Let's evaluate the differences in mouth
breathers and nose breathers. The consequences of mouth breathing can occur
from the moment of birth because all infants are obligate nose breathers.
That is the mechanism by which breast feeding and breathing can occur
simultaneously. If a baby has obstructed airways, he may turn away from the
breast due to lack of air and prefer a bottle, which allows him to consume
his food more quickly. A mouth breather will not be humidifying the
air, or slowing it down to allow the proper mixing of NO with it. The lungs
will have difficulty providing maximum oxygenation for the body with this
dry, unhumidified, unfiltered and, most
importantly, NO-lacking air. This constant and chronic condition affects the
cardiovascular system and the heart because the smooth muscles that line all
of the arteries react to this poorly oxygenated air with a kind of tightness,
a kind of permanent tension, which can be very stressful and depleting to the
body. Furthermore it has been clinically shown that blocking NO production in
healthy individuals results in moderate hypertension and reduced heart output
as well as shortened bleeding times by activation of platelet blood-clotting
factors. Due to the lack of proper oxygenation, the
ability to deliver fully oxygenated blood to the cells is also much reduced.
Thus mouth breathing has a negative effect on every cell in the body as it
deprives them of oxygen. Overall wellness and health requires proper oxygen
as every particle of our being requires oxygen. Cancer cells, by the way, are
anaerobic by design. Other manifestations of mouth breathing include snoring
and cessation of breathing (also known as sleep apnea), some types of
headaches, hypertension without other known clinical causes, bed wetting,
chronic ear or sinus infections, TMJ pain, sleep disorders and dark patches
under the eyes. Visual Diagnosis Much valuable information can be obtained by
looking at and studying the faces of traditional peoples with proper physical
development and form. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Price and all of the
photographers and cinematographers who have provided us with such valuable
clues and information. We can tell a lot about an individual’s
physical development just by looking at the face. One of the things I look at
in profile view is the nasal-labial angle. In a well developed person, this
angle is an acute angle, that is, less than 90 degrees. A nasal-labial angle
that is obtuse, that is greater than 90 degrees, is a sign that the maxilla
is not well developed or positioned in the front-to-back dimension of the
skull. The proper development of the maxilla is absolutely critical to the
formation of the entire head and to the health of the entire body—and not
just physical health but spiritual and emotional health as well. In the photograph at left we see an individual
with a nasal-labial angle of about 110 degrees, a sure sign that the maxilla
is underdeveloped. As a consequence, he will not have an optimal development
of the rest of head. Predictably, he has a narrow palate and in this case, he
has had four premolar teeth extracted. Another sign of poor facial development can be
detected in the eyes. When someone is looking straight at you and you can see
the sclera or white of the eye, that is a tip off to
a very, very under developed upper jaw and mid-facial area. Another area of interest is the soft tissues
and skin. Sagging and wrinkles are minimal or non-existent in people with
good physical development as they age. Their faces don’t sink back into their
craniums. Wrinkles happen when the scaffolding—the bony structure—becomes
diminished in comparison to the muscles and skin. As I mentioned, the soft tissues of the body
grow to their genetic size, even when the bony structures do not. The skin,
the tongue, the tonsils and the nasal tissues grow to their genetic size but
when the nutrition is missing, the bony structures are compromised. So the
face will have an excess of skin and musculature, the tongue and tonsils will
be too large for the mouth. Nasal bumps can also result--the nasal tissues
are out of proportion to the facial structure so they protrude. People who
have proper facial development do not have nasal bumps. The TMJ and the Lower Jaw When we look at the skull from the profile
view we observe the temporo-mandibular joint, the
TMJ. Most joints will go through normal hinge motion, and some of them like
the shoulder and hip joint will have a rotational motion that is more
complex. However, in these joints, the two bony members stay in contact with
one another throughout the motion of the joint. The TMJ is unique in that it
is designed to provide both hinging and sliding motion. In order to
accomplish this compound hinge-and-sliding movement, the TMJ has a disc that
slides in concert with the lower jaw or mandible. When the lower jaw is not
positioned forward enough, the TM Joints do not develop very well, and the
discs can get jammed behind or in front of the joint. They can even become
perforated and cause some of the "clicks and pops" that can be
heard when people open and close their mouths. Immediately behind the TM
Joints we also have the ear canals and important vascular and neurological
structures, which can become impinged upon as well. What we call an overbite or overjet should really be called an underbite,
because it is caused by the mandible, the lower jaw, that
is too far back, not the maxilla that is too far forward. But when children
come to the orthodontist with what the public calls an overbite, they are
often treated by removing some of the teeth in the upper jaw and then with a
device known as neck gear or headgear to pull the maxilla back. The thinking
is that the apparatus will stunt the growth of the maxilla and allow the lower
jaw to grow and catch up, or that the maxilla has grown too far forward and
must be pulled back. But the maxilla is already stunted due to poor
nutrition and so you can imagine how this type of treatment may cause more
compression, more jamming of the bones in the head with possible detrimental
whole body effects. The correct treatment for this condition is to widen the
palate with an appliance so the lower jaw position can be corrected forward
and allow proper physiological form and function as our ancestors have
enjoyed throughout the millennia. More Visual Clues When children or adults are not breathing
properly they tend to develop dark patches and bags under their eyes. This is
due to lack of adequate circulation as well as venous blood pooling in these
areas. Kids that are mouth breathers will always have
chapped lips and typically the line separating the inner lining of the lip
and the outside lining , known as the vermilion
border, will be visible. Also mouth breathers in profile tend to have very
weak chins and elongated faces. Typically these individuals will suffer from
chronic sinusitis or sinus infections, colds, respiratory problems and
lung-related issues. Typically children with bags under their eyes
have short attention spans because they do not have good circulation and
oxygenation of the head and can tire easily. They are literally suffocating. Furthermore, they don’t sleep very well--they
are always tossing and turning and they wake up tired. Your body recuperates
during sleep and sleep is especially important for teenagers. Teenagers need
to go to bed before 10:00 pm because certain brain cycles designed for
recuperation of the body kick in at around that time. These cycles will be
interrupted if sleep mode is delayed to after 10:30-11:00 pm. The
recuperation and rebuilding necessary to cope with stressful daily activities
will then be compromised. These are the tired, sleepless kids who tend to
have a diet high in sugar, trans fats and grains. They may end up
labeled as ADD or ADHD and treated with drugs. Airway capacity is the biggest and most
important part of the well-being of a human being. It is important to stress
the fact that breathing through the mouth and breathing through the nose have
extremely disparate effects on the body. We are not designed to breathe
through our mouths. The body is able to live by breathing through the mouth,
but it suffers greatly for doing it.
Internal Structures The structures that hang off the mandible or
lower jaw include the tongue and the nasal pharyngeal areas, which eventually
lead down into the lungs. Other structures that can affect the airways
further back in the throat area or the pharyngeal airway space are the
tonsils and adenoids. About 85 percent of the children I see in my practice
have extremely large tonsils and do you think they can breathe very well? It
is not possible to breathe very well when tonsils, which are typically
supposed to be almost unnoticeable, are so inflamed that they are almost
touching and practically closing off the airway in the back of the throat,
right where air is supposed to pass on its journey towards the lungs. These structures also become swollen due to
food allergies, especially allergies to pasteurized dairy. Every time I’ve
had a kid and a mom convinced that they should stop everything pasteurized
and processed and then eventually go to raw dairy products I have seen some
reduction in tonsillar size, although this doesn’t
happen overnight. (Interestingly, I have had two cases of
children who stopped having epileptic seizures as soon as they had their
extremely massive tonsils taken out. Please note that I usually do not
recommend removal of organs and body parts.) Almost invariably a narrow or under-developed
maxilla can cause the effect of holding back the lower jaw or the mandible.
This improper positioning of the mandible and its inherent retrusion causes a lack of physical and physiological
space for the tongue and the pharyngeal tissues, which again will provide an impedance to the airways, causing breathing
difficulties and lowered oxygen uptake by all of the tissues. The most important orthodontic appliance that
you all have and carry with you twenty-four hours a day is your tongue.
People who breathe through their nose also normally have a tongue that
postures up into the maxilla. When the tongue sits right up behind the front
teeth, it is maintaining the shape of the maxilla every time you swallow.
Every time the proper tongue swallow motion takes place it spreads up against
maxilla, activating it and contributing to that little cranial motion, that
cranial pumping that we discussed earlier. Individuals who breathe through
their mouths have a lower tongue posture and the maxilla does not receive the
stimulation from the tongue that it should. When the tongue doesn't fit inside the jaws or
dental arches it retracts back into the throat and pushes on the floor of the
mouth. The result is something that looks like a double chin, even in women
who are very thin. When we begin palate-widening procedures, this problem
disappears--without plastic surgery. And then what happens when orthodontists treat
these problems by removing teeth? If he takes out eight teeth out of a total
of 32 (four first molars and then later on four wisdom teeth), the patient
ends up missing one-fourth of his teeth. What are the consequences of this?
Can you take out 25 percent of anything that's supposed to be whole and
expect it to be okay? I consider the teeth as organs and do not recommend the
removal of teeth for tooth crowding or orthodontic treatments. And what happens when a child is given head
gear or neck gear, when you put a force on a cranium to pull it back? There can be serious consequences.
The Final Answer: Adaptive
Capacity Our bodies have an adaptive capacity to deal
with shortcomings. Those of you who have studied CPR know about the ABCs of
resuscitation. The A stands for airways and what are you supposed to do when
someone needs assistance? You tilt the head back to open the airway.
Similarly, when the airways are chronically blocked, the body tilts the head
back. But humans cannot walk around with their noses up in the air for too
long. The eyes must be parallel with the horizon, so the body then leans the
head forward. Forward head posture in essence is a chin lift procedure with
the eyes corrected to the horizon in a vertical or standing position. That's where that characteristic forward head
posture comes from. This chin-lift, head-tilt-forward posture helps open up
the airways. As I mentioned, craniums on adults weigh 12-18 pounds. Imagine a
bowling ball. If I carry the bowling ball close to my body, I can carry it
without becoming tired, but if I carry the bowling ball out in front of my
body, what happens? I am going to suffer from fatigue. So then, in order to
balance the head tilted forward, I may extend my butt out a bit, which
creates a misalignment of the hips, but helps to balance the extra forward
weight of the ball. How many people do you know that have hip and lower back
problems? Most of those people also have airway problems. Also, there are
limbs attached to the hips--we call them legs--so when the hips go out of
alignment, the knees have to adjust to this weird hip posture. These adjustments are all very subtle. One
doesn't wake up and feel that he or she is going to walk differently. Can you
imagine that all of these issues and events can start with a baby who is
chronically breathing through its mouth? So airway capacity is the most
important hallmark of the well-being of a human being. If you have good
airway capacity, you will go through life with a strong immunity to illness.
Sympathetic Overload When the bones in the head are underdeveloped
or misaligned, the soft tissues are over-crowded and unable to assume their
normal shapes and positions and the air way is obstructed. When, in addition,
the diet is not nourishing and lacks proper fats, the nervous system also
suffers. Let me explain: as you may know, there are two
types of autonomic nerves, sympathetic and parasympathetic. The
parasympathetic nervous system works to calm us down and to heal. The sympathetic
nervous system is the part used when one needs to get out of a dangerous
situation. It operates when we are under a lot of stress, and we are not
meant to be under constant physical stress. When the sympathetic nervous
system is activated it places the body and mind in an alert mode and this
mode and the constant stress depletes the bodily reserves and nutrients. Sympathetic nervous system overload also occurs when the airway is obstructed and the input or
sense to the nervous system is akin to a hand or choker around the neck. What
type of response do you think the nervous system will have? It’s on high
alert at all times. This is why kids who are mouth breathers have a strong
gag reflex, for example. For them, the mouth is the source of air as well as
the source of food, and the mouth was not designed to perform both of these
functions. So kids and adults who are mouth breathers have strong gag
reflexes, sometimes so strong that they can’t get near their mouths without
difficulty, not even with their own toothbrushes or eating utensils. This, of
course, precludes certain psychological issues that can also create a strong
gag reflex but can be ruled out during an assessment. So mouth breathers tend to have amped-up
sympathetic nervous systems, always on alert, and they have a hard time
getting their physical or mental bodies to relax. Many have found an avenue
of dealing with this issue subconsciously, namely exercise and physical
exertion. This is because during physical exertion large volumes of air are
inhaled, which may give the body the input it needs
to make up for the lack of proper oxygenation during rest periods. Long-Term Consequences People who are not well oxygenated and who
have poor posture often suffer from fatigue and fibromyalgia symptoms, they
snore and have sleep apnea, they have sinusitis and frequent ear infections.
Life becomes psychologically and physically challenging for them and they end
up with long-term dependence on medications—and all of that just from the
seemingly simple condition of crowded teeth. In other words, people with poor facial
development are not going to live very happily. They’re always going to be in
and out of treatment, hopefully with a more holistic alternative
practitioner—but you can take all the herbs in the world, you can take all
the homeopathic medicines for these conditions, but the truth is, you cannot
have proper function without the proper structure. If you don’t have the
proper form how do you expect proper function even
with the best alternative care? So, as you can see, airway capacity is
extremely important and many times when we do the procedures that widen the
palate, correct the head tilt and allow a person to breath
through the nose, that person suddenly becomes happy. It is amazing to see
the things that happen when we take steps to expand the palate and the upper
jaw. The patients go through a literal expansion, but they also open up in
many ways--they open up their hearts and their personalities and
relationships change. They become more pleasant, more contented. A lot of
amazing things can come about just from changing the shape of the maxilla for
a human being. Well-Formed and Hardy My friends think I am nuts but I can stare for
hours at photographs of well-formed individuals and just marvel at the beauty
of proper physical form and function and the capabilities for hard work and
functioning that these individuals tend to have.
Let’s ask a question: who can perform better
in jobs or sports with very difficult physical requirements and conditions?
Generally you will find the well-developed (that doesn’t mean large muscle
mass), well-formed individuals who are capable of such physical feats and
they tend to come from rural or isolated areas or from families that have
consumed more traditional diets and therefore had much better development
than the average city child growing up these days. Many of these individuals
are people who come from other parts of the world and are involved with
professional sports and or jobs we consider menial, such as doing our
gardening, housework and construction work, and even raising our
children--people who are able bodied and capable. Therefore if we are looking for the magic
period to help a child grow into an individual with amazing physical
capabilities then we must acknowledge that the most important developmental
period is preconception and the nine months in utero
or in the womb--this is when the foundation is laid for living a full 120
years. The parents should prepare themselves well in advance of conception by
eating a nutritionally supportive diet, based on the principles discovered by
Weston Price, and continue that diet during pregnancy. If, through out the individual’s life, such nutritional
practices are continued, then the possibility to have excellent physical form
and function is highly likely, with great rewards to that individual. Please
take into consideration the fact that over the last 100 to 120 years in this
country, many events and conditions have slowly weakened the offspring born
in each successive generation. Modern medicine classifies some of the
physical symptoms encountered in the younger generations as genetic; however,
even though there may be genetic aberrations occurring due to toxicity of the
environment, these symptoms are a reflection of the improper human
development due to poor nutrition. The people who were born in the 1920s, '30s
and '40s tended to drink and smoke. They had teeth extracted, root canals and
metal fillings, yet they are generally not the chemically sensitive individuals
we see in our population today, young people in their twenties who can’t
handle even a little bit of lavender scent in the room. Sources of Energy We must also briefly discuss other sources of
input or energy besides diet needed to create proper physical form and mental
function. There is a concept that views a human being as a sort of battery or
capacitor. We are the sum of all that goes into us, not only our physical
diet but also the input of an emotional or spiritual nature, including our
connections to one another, to nature and animals, to art, to the Creator and
also, most importantly, to ourselves. A connection that more than 90 percent of
individuals lack is the connection to the earth. Historically, humans have
had some form of physical contact with the earth and its electro-magnetic
field. We worked on the land and collected our sustenance with our feet or
bodies in contact with the earth and without the interference of man-made
materials and building structures. So it's important to literally stay
connected with the earth by walking barefoot outside and letting all of our
senses recalibrate themselves to what our body knows as normal. Finally, we get energy from our belief systems
and from our beliefs about ourselves. When something goes wrong, do we berate
ourselves or do we see our troubles as important lessons given to us because
we are worthy to receive them? Humans Recognize Proper
Facial Form While very few people have heard of the work
of Weston Price these days, we haven't lost our ability to recognize proper
facial form. To make it in today's society, you must have good facial
development. You're not going to see a general or a president with a weak
chin, you're not going to see coaches with weak chins, you're
not going to see a lot of well-to-do personalities in the media with
underdeveloped faces and chins. You don't see athletes and newscasters with
narrow palates and crooked teeth. Unfortunately the trends in cosmetic facial
and body enhancement procedures make one believe that all can be bought with
money and surgery, but a word of caution: avoid implantation of objects or
removal of organs as they interfere with normal and natural processes of the
body, mind and soul. Great research has demonstrated that cells communicate
with one another via a form of light and surgery tends to disrupt these light
pathways, also called meridians or chi pathways. This article appeared in Wise Traditions in
Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston
A. Price Foundation, Winter 2005/Spring 2006. About the Author Raymond Silkman, DDS, has been studying
functional orthodontic courses and treatment modalities since his graduation
from USC in 1991 and has used and incorporated a multifunctional approach to
cranial/dental mal-development using such other modalities as cranial/sacral osteaopathy and S.O.T. chiropractic approaches.
Nutritional support is a must for all of his treatment cases and he also
works closely with other alternative health care providers. Currently he
maintains a private biologically based practice in Brentwood, CA. |